We started very early this morning to a lake/dam near Kepez
At 5 a.m. we meet other birder from Denmark, England and Turkey for the Brown Fish Owl (Bubo zeylonensis). We visited with two owlpairs with a boat.
After the Owl we drove back to the Manavgat near the river to watch birds. (Tip from the danish birder friends - Thanks!)
For the evening we drove back to the valley near Akselki.
(Same place like yesterday)
| Latin | English | German |
1. | (+) Coturnix coturnix | Common Quail | Wachtel | 1 |
2. | (+) Botaurus stellaris | Eurasian Bittern | Rohrdommel | 1 |
3. | (+) Egretta garzetta | Little Egret | Seidenreiher | >10 |
4. | (+) Ardea purpurea | Purple Heron | Purpurreiher | 1 |
5. | (+) Ciconia ciconia | White Stork | Weißstorch | |
6. | (+) Plegadis falcinellus | Glossy Ibis | Sichler | >300 |
7. |
Circaetus gallicus | Short-toed Eagle |
Schlangenadler |
2 |
8. |
Buteo buteo |
Subspecies: vulpinus | Steppe Buzzard | Falkenbussard | 2 | |
9. |
(+) Falco tinnunculus |
Common Kestrel |
Turmfalke |
2 |
10. | (+) Falco eleonorae | Eleonora's Falcon | Eleonorenfalke | 1 |
11. | (+) Gallinula chloropus | Common Moorhen | Teichhuhn | 2 |
12. | (+) Glareola pratincola | Collared Pratincole | Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe | >10 |
13. | (+) Vanellus spinosus | Spur-winged Lapwing | Spornkiebitz | 4 |
14. | (+) Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | Sichelstrandläufer | 4 |
15. | (+) Tringa glareola | Wood Sandpiper | Bruchwasserläufer | 4 |
16. | (+) Philomachus pugnax | Ruff | Kampfläufer | >10 |
17. |
Larus michahellis | Yellow-legged Gull | Mittelmeermöwe |
18. | Larus fuscus |
(+) Subspecies: heuglini | Heuglin's Gull | Tundramöwe | 1 | |
19. |
Columba livia f. domestica | Feral Pigeon | Straßentaube | |
20. |
(+) Streptopelia turtur | European Turtle Dove | Turteltaube | 1 |
21. |
Stretopelia senegalensis | Laughing Dove | Palmtaube | |
22. |
(+) Bubo zeylonensis | Brown Fish Owl | Fischuhu | 3 |
23. |
Apus apus | Common Swift | Mauersegler |
24. |
Upupa epops | Eurasian Hoopoe | Wiedehopf | 1 |
25. |
(+) Coracias garrulus | European Roller | Blauracke | >4 |
26. |
Galerida cristata | Crested Lark | Haubenlerche |
27. | (+) Lullula arborea | Woodlark | Heidelerche | 2 |
28. |
Hirundo rustica | Barn Swallow | Rauchschwalbe | |
29. |
Ceropis daurica | Red-rumped Swallow | Rötelschwalbe | >10 |
30. |
Riparia riparia | Sand Martin | Uferschwalbe | |
31. |
(+) Delichon urbicum | Common House Martin | Mehlschwalbe | |
32. |
Motacilla alba | White Wagtail | Bachstelze | 2 |
33. |
Oenanthe hispanica |
Subspecies: melanoleuca | Eastern Black-eared Wheatear | Balkansteinschmätzer | ||
34. |
Turdus viscivorus | Mistle Thrush | Misteldrossel | 2 |
35. |
Turdus merula | Common Blackbird | Amsel | |
36. |
(+) Monticola solitarius | Blue Rock Thrush | Blaumerle | |
37. |
(+) Sylvia nisoria | Barred Warbler | Sperbergrasmücke | 1 |
38. |
Sylvia atricapilla | Eurasian Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | 1 |
39. |
Sylvia curruca | Lesser Whitethroat | Klappergrasmücke | 1 |
40. |
Sylvia crassirostris | Eastern Orphean Warbler | Nachtigallengrasmücke | 2 |
41. |
Sylvia melanocephala | Sardinian Warbler | Samtkopf-Grasmücke | 2 |
Subspecies: melanocephala | |||
42. |
(+) Cettia cetti | Cetti's Warbler | Seidensänger | >5 |
43. |
(+) Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Great Reed Warbler | Drosselrohrsänger | 3 |
44. |
(+) Hippolais icterina | Icterine Warbler | Gelbspötter | 1 |
45. |
(+) Hippolais pallida | Eastern Olivaceous Warbler | Blassspötter | >5 |
46. |
Parus major | Great Tit | Kohlmeise | 2 |
47. |
Periparus ater | Coal Tit | Tannenmeise | >10 |
48. |
(+) Cyanistes caeruleus | Eurasian Blue Tit | Blaumeise | 1 |
49. |
Poecile lugubris | Sombre Tit | Balkanmeise | 1 |
50. |
Aegithalos caudatus | Long-tailed Tit | Schwanzmeise | |
Subspecies: alpinus | ||||
51. |
Sitta krueperi | Krüper's Nuthatch | Türkenkleiber | 1 |
52. |
Sitta neumayer | Western Rock Nuthatch | Felsenkleiber | 1 |
53. |
(+) Lanius collurio | Red-backed Shirke | Neuntöter | >10 |
54. |
Lanius nubicus | Masked Shrike | Maskenwürger | >20 |
55. |
Pyconotus xanthopygos | White-spectacled Bulbul | Gelbsteißbülbül | |
56. |
Garrulus glandarius | Eurasian Jay | Eichelhäher | |
Subspecies: atricapillus | |||
57. |
Corvus monedula | Western Jackdaw | Dohle | 6 |
58. |
Corvus cornix | Hooded Crow | Nebelkrähe | >20 |
59. |
Corvus corax | Northern Raven | Kolkrabe | >10 |
60. |
Sturnus vulgaris | Common Starling | Star | |
61. |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | Haussperling | |
62. |
Fringilla coelebs | Common Chaffinch | Buchfink | 3 |
63. |
Carduelis carduelis | European Goldfinch | Stieglitz | >3 |
64. |
Serinus serinus | European Serin | Girlitz | >30 |
65. |
Emberiza hortulana | Ortolan Bunting | Ortolan | >6 |
66. |
Emberiza caesia | Cretzschmar's Bunting | Grauortolan | >20 |
67. |
Emberiza melanocphala | Black-headed Bunting | Kappenammer | >6 |
68. |
Emberiza calandra | Corn Bunting | Grauammer | 2 |