The day before we found a singing Black Francolin close to our place. We decided to start early to see it. Black Francolins sing normally at higher places in the morning. We're lucky and found him singing (+ we heard 4 others).
During the morning we explored the Göksu Delta and found some pelicans, Curlews and some hunting Marsh Harriers & Montagu's Harrier. The highlight was a Greater Sandplover very close to the bank!
In the afternoon we decided to drive to our next destination: Camardi.
During our way up to the mountains we made 3 stops. One around the area of the Göksu Delta to find a Pied Kingfisher (... we found nothing). Another close to our route at an orchard to check for the Syrian Woodpecker and Olive-tree Warbler. And some stops near high mountains to check if we can find some birds of prey flying around (specially for Lammergeier).
After arriving in Camardi we were excited to explore more the area and to see which mountainbirds we can find. For 4 minutes we checked the wheatears around and nobody (of 4 people) noticed a beautiful Saker Falcon just 60m away from us.. A beautiful adult 'caffe late' Saker eating a Souslik on a stone..
We tried to get our cameras ready for a photo but he left to fast and left the stone and we only got flightshots.
But at least we have a picture in our head of this beautiful Falcon!
For the evening we went back to our sleeping place. Eating + Shower + Sleep - To be ready for an early start next morning for the snowcock!
| Latin | English | German | |
1. | (+) Tadorna ferruginea | Ruddy Shelduck | Rostgans | >4 |
2. |
Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard | Stockente | |
3. | (+) Netta rufina | Red-crested Pochard | Kolbenente |
6 |
4. |
Pternistis atrifrons | Black Francolin | Halsbandfrankolin | 5 |
5. | (+) Podiceps cristatus | Great Crested Grebe | Haubentaucher | |
6. | (+) Pelecanus onocrotalus | Great White Pelican | Rosapelikan | 4 |
7. |
Phalacrocorax carbo | Great Cormorant | Kormoran | 2 |
8. | (+) Bubulucus ibis | Cattle Egret | Kuhreiher | 1 |
9. |
Egretta garzetta |
Little Egret |
Seidenreiher | >20 |
10. | (+) Casmerodius albus | Great Egret | Silberreiher | >5 |
11. |
Ardea cinera | Grey Heron | Graureiher | >20 |
12. |
Ardea purpurea | Purple Heron | Purpurreiher | >30 |
13. |
Ciconia ciconia | White Stork | Weißstorch | >50 |
14. |
Plegadis falcinellus | Glossy Ibis | Sichler | >30 |
15. | (+) Neophron percnopterus | Egyptian Vulture | Schmutzgeier | 1 |
16. | (+) Aquila chrysaetos | Golden Eagle | Steinadler | 2 |
17. |
Circaetus gallicus | Short-toed Eagle |
Schlangenadler |
>10 |
18. |
Circus aeruginosus | Western Marsh Harrier | Rohrweihe | >2 |
19. | (+) Circus pygargus | Montagu's Harrier | Wiesenweihe | 1 |
20. |
Buteo rufinus | Long-legged Buzzard | Adlerbussard | >10 |
21. |
Pernis apivorus | European Honey Buzzard | Wespenbussard | 2 |
22. |
Accipiter nisus | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | Sperber | 1 |
23. |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | Turmfalke | >10 |
24. | (+) Falco subbuteo | Eurasian Hobby |
Baumfalke |
2 |
25. | (+) Falco cherrug | Saker Falcon | Würgfalke | 1 |
26. |
Gallinula chloropus | Common Moorhen | Teichhuhn | 1 |
27. | (+) Fulica atra | Eurasian Coot | Blässhuhn | 3 |
28. |
Recurvirostra avosetta | Pied Avocet | Säbelschnäbler | 1 |
29. | Burhinus oedicnemus | Eurasian Stone-curlew | Triel | 2 |
30. |
Glareola pratincola | Collared Pratincole | Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe | 1 |
31. |
Vanellus spinosus | Spur-winged Lapwing | Spornkiebitz | 4 |
32. |
Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | Sichelstrandläufer | |
33. |
Calidris minuta | Little Stint | Zwergstrandläufer | |
34. |
Charadrius hiaticula | Common Ringed Plover | Sandregenpfeifer |
35. |
Charadrius alexandrinus | Kentish Plover | Seeregenpfeifer | >30 |
36. | (+) Charadrius leschenaultii | Greater Sand Plover | Wüstenregenpfeifer | 1 |
37. |
Tringa glareola | Wood Sandpiper | Bruchwasserläufer | 2 |
38. |
Tringa totanus | Common Redshank | Rotschenkel | |
39. |
Tringa stagnatilis | Marsh Sandpiper | Teichwasserläufer | 1 |
40. |
Limosa lapponica | Bar-tailed Godwit | Pfuhlschnepfe | 3 |
41. | Numenius arquata | Eurasian Curlew | Großer Brachvogel | 2 |
42. | (+) Numenius phaeopus | Whimbrel | Regenbrachvogel | 2 |
43. |
Philomachus pugnax | Ruff | Kampfläufer | >10 |
44. |
Larus michahellis | Yellow-legged Gull | Mittelmeermöwe | |
45. |
Sternula albifrons | Little Tern | Zwergseeschwalbe | |
46. | (+) Chlidonias leucopterus | White-winged Tern | Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe | |
47. |
Columba livia f. domestica | Feral Pigeon | Straßentaube | |
48. |
Streptopelia turtur | European Turtle Dove | Turteltaube | 4 |
49. |
Stretopelia senegalensis | Laughing Dove | Palmtaube | |
50. |
Cuculus canorus | Common Cuckoo | Kuckuck | 1 |
51. |
Apus apus | Common Swift | Mauersegler | |
52. |
Tachymarptis melba | Alpine Swift | Alpensegler | >50 |
53. | (+) Merops apiaster | European Bee-eater | Bienenfresser | >4 |
54. |
Coracias garrulus | European Roller | Blauracke | 1 |
55. | (+) Dendrocopus syriacus | Syrian Woodpecker | Blutspecht | 3 |
56. |
Galerida cristata | Crested Lark | Haubenlerche | |
57. |
Calandrella brachydactyla | Greater Short-toed Lark | Kurzzehenlerche | |
58. | (+) Melanocorypha calandra | Calandra Lark | Kalanderlerche | |
59. | (+) Eremophila alpestris |
Horned Lark |
Ohrenlerche |
Subspecies: penicillata | |||
60. |
Riparia riparia | Sand Martin | Uferschwalbe | |
61. | (+) Ptyonoprogne rupestris | Eurasian Crag Martin | Felsenschwalbe | |
62. |
Hirundo rustica | Barn Swallow | Rauchschwalbe | |
63. |
Ceropis daurica | Red-rumped Swallow | Rötelschwalbe | >20 |
64. |
Delichon urbicum | Common House Martin | Mehlschwalbe | |
65. |
Anthus campestris | Tawny Pipit | Brachpieper | 2 |
66. |
Motacilla alba | White Wagtail | Bachstelze | 2 |
67. |
Motacilla flava | |||
Subspecies: feldegg | Black-headed Wagtail | Maskenschafstelze | ||
68. | (+) Prunella collaris | Alpine Accentor | Alpenbraunelle | 2 |
69. | (+) Luscinia megahynchos | Common Nightingale | Nachtigall | |
70. | (+) Cercotrichas galactotes | Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin | Heckensänger | 2 |
71. | (+) Phoenicurus ochruros | Black Redstart | Hausrotschwanz | |
Subspecies: semirufus | |||
72. |
Oenanthe oenanthe | Northern Wheatear | Steinschmätzer | |
73. | Oenanthe isabellina | Isabelline Wheatear | Isabellsteinschmätzer | |
74. |
Oenanthe hispanica |
Subspecies: melanoleuca | Eastern Black-eared Wheatear | Balkansteinschmätzer | 2 | |
75. | (+) Oenanthe finschii | Finsch's Wheatear | Felsensteinschmätzer | |
76. |
(+) Saxicola torquatus | European Stonechat | Schwarzkehlchen | 2 |
77. |
Turdus merula | Common Blackbird | Amsel | |
78. |
Monticola solitarius | Blue Rock Thrush | Blaumerle | 2 |
79. |
(+) Prinia gracilis | Graceful Prinia | Streifenprinie | >10 |
80. | Sylvia atricapilla | Eurasian Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | |
81. |
Sylvia curruca | Lesser Whitethroat | Klappergrasmücke | |
82. |
Sylvia rueppelli | Rüppell's Warbler | Maskengrasmücke | |
83. |
(+) Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Sedge Warbler | Schilfrohrsänger | |
84. |
Cettia cetti | Cetti's Warbler | Seidensänger | 1 |
85. |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | European Reed Warbler | Teichrohrsänger | >5 |
86. |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Great Reed Warbler | Drosselrohrsänger | >1 |
87. |
(+) Hippolais olivetorum | Olive-tree Warbler | Olivenspötter | >2 |
88. |
(+) Phylloscopus trochilus | Willow Warbler | Fitis | |
89. |
Parus major | Great Tit | Kohlmeise | |
90. |
Sitta neumayer | Western Rock Nuthatch | Felsenkleiber | >5 |
91. |
(+) Tichodroma muraria | Wallcreeper | Mauerläufer | 2 |
92. |
Lanius collurio | Red-backed Shirke | Neuntöter | >10 |
93. |
Lanius senator | Woodchat Shrike | Rotkopfwürger | 4 |
94. |
Lanius nubicus | Masked Shrike | Maskenwürger | >2 |
95. |
Pyconotus xanthopygos | White-spectacled Bulbul | Gelbsteißbülbül | |
96. |
Pica pica | Eurasian Magpie | Elster | |
97. |
Corvus monedula | Western Jackdaw | Dohle | |
98. |
(+) Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax | Red-billed Cough | Alpenkrähe | >100 |
99. |
Corvus cornix | Hooded Crow | Nebelkrähe | |
100. |
Corvus corax | Northern Raven | Kolkrabe | |
101. |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | Haussperling | |
102. |
Passer hispaniolensis | Spanish Sparrow | Weidensperling | |
103. |
(+) Petronia petronia | Common Rock Sparrow | Steinsperling | |
104. |
Fringilla coelebs | Common Chaffinch | Buchfink | |
105. |
Carduelis cannabina | Common Linnet | Bluthänfling | 2 |
Subspecies: bella | |||
106. |
Carduelis carduelis | European Goldfinch | Stieglitz | >20 |
107. |
Serinus serinus | European Serin | Girlitz | |
108. |
(+) Serinus pusillus | Red-fronted Serin | Rotstirngirlitz | >20 |
109. |
(+) Emberiza schoeniclus | Common Reed Bunting | Rohrammer | |
110. |
Emberiza calandra | Corn Bunting | Grauammer | |
111. |
(+) Emberiza cia | Rock Bunting | Zippammer |