It was a great trip with a great team! I really enjoyed it!
BIG THANKS to Raoul & Joseph.
I learned a lot more about how to identify birds in the field and I am really impressed about the phenomenon of bird migration! To see hundreds of raptors passing over or wetland birds in the desert is just amazing.
The roadtrip was great! It was amazing to see so much of this beautiful country and to visit so many different biotopes: desert, wetlands, mountains, canyons, forests, lakes!
The route was: Antalya - Lake Van
Also a big THANKS to our faroese guide Silas who showed us many beautiful places, interesting birds and explained a lot about the local people, their culture and history!
Day 1 - Start in Akseki
Day 2 - Fish Owl
Day 3 - Start with Silas & Göksu Delta
Day 4 - Göksu Delta + Camardi (mountains)
Day 5 - Snowcock
Day 6 - Osmanyie - Birecik
Day 7 - Green desert
Day 8 - Nemrut Dagi
Day 9 - Bird of prey migration in Lake Van
Day 10 - Vulture migration
Day 11 - Last day with Mongolian Finch
click here to see all the photos: Turkey trip
or see only:
| Latin | English | German | New for me |
1. | Tadorna ferruginea | Ruddy Shelduck | Rostgans | X |
2. |
Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard | Stockente | |
3. | Anas querquedula | Garganey | Knäkente | |
4. |
Aythya ferina | Common Pochard | Tafelente | |
5. |
Netta rufina | Red-crested Pochard | Kolbenente | |
6. |
Aythya nyroca | Ferruginous Duck | Moorente | X |
7. |
Aythya fuligula | Tufted Duck | Reiherente | |
8. |
Oxyura leucocephala | White-headed Duck | Weißkopf-Ruderente | X |
9. |
Tetraogallus caspius | Caspian Snowcock | Kaspikönigshuhn | X |
10. |
Francolinus francolinus |
Black Francolin | Halsbandfrankolin | X |
11. |
Alectoris chuckar | Chukar Partridge | Chukarhuhn | X |
12. |
Ammoperdix griseogularis | See-see Partridge | Persisches Wüstenhuhn | X |
13. |
Coturnix coturnix |
Common Quail |
Wachtel | |
14. |
Crex crex | Corn Crake | Wachtelkönig | |
15. |
Tachybaptus ruficollis | Little Grebe | Zwergtaucher | |
16. |
Podiceps cristatus | Great Crested Grebe | Haubentaucher | |
17. |
Pelecanus onocrotalus | Great White Pelican | Rosapelikan | X |
18. |
Phalacrocorax carbo | Great Cormorant | Kormoran | |
19. |
Phalacrocorax pygmeus | Pygmy Cormorant | Zwergscharbe | X |
20. |
Botaurus stellaris | Eurasian Bittern | Rohrdommel | |
21. |
Ixobrychus minutus | Little Bittern | Zwergdommel |
22. |
Nycticorax nycticorax | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nachtreiher | |
23. |
Bubulucus ibis | Cattle Egret | Kuhreiher | |
24. |
Ardeola ralloides | Squacco Heron | Rallenreiher | |
25. |
Egretta garzetta |
Little Egret |
Seidenreiher | |
26. |
Casmerodius albus | Great Egret | Silberreiher | |
27. |
Ardea cinera | Grey Heron | Graureiher | |
28. |
Ardea purpurea | Purple Heron | Purpurreiher | |
29. |
Ciconia ciconia | White Stork | Weißstorch | |
30. |
Plegadis falcinellus | Glossy Ibis | Sichler | |
31. |
Geronticus eremita | Northern Bald Ibis | Waldrapp | X |
32. |
Gypaetus barbatus | Bearded Vulture | Bartgeier | |
33. |
Gyps fulvus | Griffon Vulture | Gänsegeier | X |
34. |
Aegypius monachus | Cinereous Vulture | Mönchsgeier | X |
35. |
Neophron percnopterus | Egyptian Vulture | Schmutzgeier | X |
36. |
Pandion haliaetus | Osprey | Fischadler | |
37. |
Aquila chrysaetos | Golden Eagle | Steinadler | |
38. |
Aquila pomarina | Lesser Spotted Eagle | Schreiadler | X |
39. |
Aquila nipalensis | Steppe Eagle | Steppenadler | X |
40. |
Circaetus gallicus | Short-toed Eagle |
Schlangenadler |
X |
41. |
Circus aeruginosus | Western Marsh Harrier | Rohrweihe | |
42. |
Circus pygargus | Montagu's Harrier | Wiesenweihe | X |
43. |
Circus macrourus | Pallid Harrier | Steppenweihe | X |
44. |
Buteo rufinus | Long-legged Buzzard | Adlerbussard | X |
45. |
Buteo buteo |
Subspecies: vulpinus | Steppe Buzzard | Falkenbussard |
X |
46. |
Pernis apivorus | European Honey Buzzard | Wespenbussard | |
47. |
Accipiter nisus | Eurasian Sparrowhawk | Sperber | |
48. |
Accipiter gentilis | Northern Goshawk | Habicht | |
49. |
Accipiter brevipes | Levant Sparrowhawk | Kurzfangsperber | X |
50. |
Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | Turmfalke | |
51. |
Falco naunmanni | Lesser Kestrel | Rötelfalke | X |
52. |
Falco subbuteo | Eurasian Hobby | Baumfalke | |
53. |
Falco eleonorae | Eleonora's Falcon | Eleonorenfalke | X |
54. |
Falco peregrinus | Peregrine Falcon | Wanderfalke | |
55. |
Falco cherrug | Saker Falcon | Würgfalke | X |
56. | Falco columbarius | Merlin | Merlin | |
57. | Rallus aquaticus | Water Rail | Wasserralle | |
58. |
Gallinula chloropus | Common Moorhen | Teichhuhn | |
59. |
Fulica atra | Eurasian Coot | Blässhuhn |
60. |
Recurvirostra avosetta | Pied Avocet | Säbelschnäbler | |
61. |
Himantopus himantopus | Black-winged Stilt | Stelzenläufer | |
62. |
Burhinus oedicnemus | Eurasian Stone-curlew | Triel | X |
63. |
Glareola pratincola | Collared Pratincole | Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe | X |
64. |
Charadrius dubius | Little Ringed Plover | Flussregenpfeifer | |
65. |
Charadrius hiaticula | Common Ringed Plover | Sandregenpfeifer | |
66. |
Charadrius alexandrinus | Kentish Plover | Seeregenpfeifer | X |
67. |
Charadrius leschenaultii | Greater Sand Plover | Wüstenregenpfeifer | X |
68. |
Pluvialis squatarola | Grey Plover | Kiebitzregenpfeifer | |
69. |
Vanellus vanellus | Northern Lapwing | Kiebitz | |
70. |
Vanellus spinosus | Spur-winged Lapwing | Spornkiebitz | X |
71. |
Calidris ferruginea | Curlew Sandpiper | Sichelstrandläufer | X |
72. |
Calidris temminckii | Temminck's Stint | Temminckstrandläufer | X |
73. |
Calidris minuta | Little Stint | Zwergstrandläufer | |
74. |
Tringa glareola | Wood Sandpiper | Bruchwasserläufer | |
75. |
Actitis hypoleucos | Common Sandpiper | Flussuferläufer | |
76. |
Tringa totanus | Common Redshank | Rotschenkel | |
77. |
Tringa nebularia | Common Greenshank | Grünschenkel | |
78. |
Tringa stagnatilis | Marsh Sandpiper | Teichwasserläufer | X |
79. |
Limosa lapponica | Bar-tailed Godwit | Pfuhlschnepfe | |
80. |
Numenius arquat | Eurasian Curlew | Großer Brachvogel | |
81. |
Numenius phaeopus | Whimbrel | Regenbrachvogel |
X |
82. | Gallinago gallinago | Common Snipe | Bekassine | |
83. |
Philomachus pugnax | Ruff | Kampfläufer | |
84. |
Chroicocephalus ridibundus | Black-headed Gull | Lachmöwe | |
85. | Chroicocephalus genei | Slender-billed Gull | Dünnschnabelmöwe | X |
86. | Larus melanocephalus | Mediterranean Gull | Schwarzkopfmöwe | X |
87. |
Larus michahellis | Yellow-legged Gull | Mittelmeermöwe | |
88. |
Larus armenicus | Armenian Gull | Armenienmöwe | X |
89. |
Larus fuscus | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Heringsmöwe | |
Subspecies: fuscus |
Blatic Gull |
Baltische Heringsmöwe | X | |
Subspecies: heuglini | Heuglin's Gull |
Tundramöwe |
X | |
90. |
Sternula albifrons | Little Tern | Zwergseeschwalbe | X |
91. |
Thalasseus sandvicensis | Sandwich Tern | Brandseeschwalbe | |
92. |
Sterna hirundo | Common Tern | Flussseeschwalbe | |
93. |
Chlidonias niger | Black Tern | Trauerseeschwalbe | |
94. |
Chlidonias leucopterus | White-winged Tern | Weißflügel-Seeschwalbe | X |
95. |
Chlidonias hybrida | Whiskered Tern | Weißbart-Seeschwalbe | X |
96. |
Columba livia | Common Pigeon | Felsentaube | X |
97. |
Columba livia f. domestica | Feral Pigeon | Straßentaube | |
98. |
Columba oenas | Stock Dove | Hohltaube | |
99. |
Columba palumbus | Common Wood Pigeon | Ringeltaube | |
100. |
Streptopelia decaocto | Eurasian Collared Dove | Türkentaube | |
101. |
Streptopelia turtur | European Turtle Dove | Turteltaube | |
102. |
Stretopelia senegalensis | Laughing Dove | Palmtaube | X |
103. |
Cuculus canorus | Common Cuckoo | Kuckuck | |
104. |
Bubo zeylonensis | Brown Fish Owl | Fischuhu | X |
105. |
Strix aluco | Tawny Owl | Waldkauz | |
106. |
Athene noctua | Little Owl | Steinkauz | |
lillith | X | |||
107. |
Otus scops | Eurasian Scops Owl | Zwergohreule | (X) |
108. |
Otus brucei | Pallid Scops Owl | Streifenohreule | X |
109. |
Apus apus | Common Swift | Mauersegler | |
110. |
Apus pallidus | Pallid Swift | Fahlsegler | X |
111. |
Tachymarptis melba | Alpine Swift | Alpensegler | |
112. |
Apus affinis | Little Swift | Haussegler | X |
113. |
Upupa epops | Eurasian Hoopoe | Wiedehopf | |
114. |
Halcyon smyrensis | White-throate Kingfisher | Braunliest | X |
115. |
Ceryle rudis | Pied Kingfisher | Graufischer | X |
116. |
Merops apiaster | European Bee-eater | Bienenfresser | |
117. |
Merops persicus | Blue-cheeked Bee-eater | Blauwangenspint | (X) |
118. |
Coracias garrulus | European Roller | Blauracke | |
119. |
Dendrocopus syriacus | Syrian Woodpecker | Blutspecht | X |
120. |
Dendrocopos medius | Middle Spotted Woodpecker | Mittelspecht | |
121. |
Alauda arvensis | Eurasian Skylark | Feldlerche | |
122. |
Galerida cristata | Crested Lark | Haubenlerche | |
123. |
Lullula arborea | Woodlark | Heidelerche | |
124. |
Calandrella brachydactyla | Greater Short-toed Lark | Kurzzehenlerche | X |
125. |
Calandrella rufescens | Lesser Short-toed Lark | Stummellerche | X |
126. |
Melanocorypha calandra | Calandra Lark | Kalanderlerche | X |
127. |
Melanocorypha bimaculata | Bimaculated Lark | Bergkalanderleche | X |
128. |
Eremophila alpestris | Horned Lark | Ohrenlerche | X |
Subspecies: penicillata | X | ||
Subspecies: flava | X | |||
129. |
Riparia riparia | Sand Martin | Uferschwalbe | |
130. |
Ptyonoprogne rupestris | Eurasian Crag Martin | Felsenschwalbe | |
131. |
Hirundo rustica | Barn Swallow | Rauchschwalbe | |
132. |
Ceropis daurica | Red-rumped Swallow | Rötelschwalbe | X |
133. |
Delichon urbicum | Common House Martin | Mehlschwalbe | |
134. |
Anthus spinoletta | Water Pipit | Bergpieper | |
Subspecies: coutellii | X | ||
135. |
Anthus campestris | Tawny Pipit | Brachpieper | |
136. |
Anthus pratensis | Meadow Pipit | Wiesenpieper | |
137. |
Anthus cervinus | Red-throated Pipit | Rotkehlpieper | X |
138. |
Motacilla alba | White Wagtail | Bachstelze | |
139. |
Motacilla flava | |||
Subspecies: feldegg | Black-headed Wagtail | Maskenschafstelze | X | |
140. |
Cinclus cinclus | White-throated Dipper | Wasseramsel | |
141. |
Prunella collaris | Alpine Accentor | Alpenbraunelle | |
142. |
Prunella ocularis | Radde's Accentor | Steinbraunelle | X |
143. |
Luscinia megahynchos | Common Nightingale | Nachtigall | |
144. |
Cercotrichas galactotes | Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin | Heckensänger | X |
145. |
Irania gutturalis | White-throated Robin | Weißkehlsänger | X |
146. |
Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Common Redstart | Gartenrotschwanz | |
Subspecies: samamisicus | X | ||
147. |
Phoenicurus ochruros | Black Redstart | Hausrotschwanz | |
Subspecies: semirufus | X | ||
148. |
Oenanthe oenanthe | Northern Wheatear | Steinschmätzer | |
149. |
Oenanthe isabellina | Isabelline Wheatear | Isabellsteinschmätzer | X |
150. |
Oenanthe hispanica |
X |
Subspecies: melanoleuca | Eastern Black-eared Wheatear | Balkansteinschmätzer | X | |
151. |
Oenanthe pleschanka | Pied Wheatear | Nonnensteinschmätzer | X |
152. |
Oenanthe finschii | Finsch's Wheatear | Felsensteinschmätzer | X |
153. |
Oenanthe xanthoprymna | Kurdistan Wheatear | Rostbürzel-Steinschmätzer | X |
154. |
Saxicola rubetra | Whinchat | Braunkehlchen | |
155. |
Saxicola torquatus | European Stonechat | Schwarzkehlchen | |
Subspecies: maurus ...? | X | |||
156. |
Turdus viscivorus | Mistle Thrush | Misteldrossel | |
157. |
Turdus merula | Common Blackbird | Amsel | |
158. |
Monticola solitarius | Blue Rock Thrush | Blaumerle | X |
159. |
Monticola saxatilis | Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush | Steinrötel | X |
160. |
Prinia gracilis | Graceful Prinia | Streifenprinie | X |
161. |
Sylvia nisoria | Barred Warbler | Sperbergrasmücke | |
162. | Sylvia borin | Garden Warbler | Gartengrasmücke | |
163. |
Sylvia atricapilla | Eurasian Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | |
164. |
Sylvia communis | Common Whitethroat | Dorngrasmücke | |
165. |
Sylvia curruca | Lesser Whitethroat | Klappergrasmücke | |
166. |
Sylvia crassirostris | Eastern Orphean Warbler | Nachtigallengrasmücke | X |
167. |
Sylvia melanocephala | Sardinian Warbler | Samtkopf-Grasmücke | X |
Subspecies: melanocephala |
X | ||
168. |
Sylvia mystacea | Ménétries's Warbler | Tamariskengrasmücke | X |
169. |
Sylvia rueppelli | Rüppell's Warbler | Maskengrasmücke | X |
170. |
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | Sedge Warbler | Schilfrohrsänger | |
171. |
Acrocephalus melanopogon | Moustached Warbler | Mariskenrohrsänger | |
172. |
Cettia cetti | Cetti's Warbler | Seidensänger | |
173. |
Acrocephalus scirpaceus | European Reed Warbler | Teichrohrsänger | |
174. | Acrocephalus palustris | Marsh Warbler | Sumpfrohrsänger | |
175. | Acrocephalus agricola | Paddyfield Warbler | Feldrohrsänger | |
176. |
Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Great Reed Warbler | Drosselrohrsänger | |
177. |
Hippolais icterina | Icterine Warbler | Gelbspötter | |
178. |
Hippolais olivetorum | Olive-tree Warbler | Olivenspötter | X |
179. |
Hippolais languida | Upcher's Warbler | Dornspötter | X |
180. |
Iduna pallida | Eastern Olivaceous Warbler | Blassspötter | X |
181. |
Phylloscopus trochilus | Willow Warbler | Fitis | |
182. |
Phylloscopus orientalis | Eastern Bonelli's Warbler | Balkanlaubsänger | X |
183. |
Regulus regulus | Goldcrest | Wintergoldhänchen | |
184. |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Eurasian Wren | Zaunkönig | |
185. |
Muscicapa striata | Spotted Flycatcher | Grauschnäpper | |
186. |
Parus major | Great Tit | Kohlmeise | |
187. |
Periparus ater | Coal Tit | Tannenmeise | |
188. |
Cyanistes caeruleus | Eurasian Blue Tit | Blaumeise | |
189. |
Poecile lugubris | Sombre Tit | Balkanmeise | X |
190. |
Aegithalos caudatus | Long-tailed Tit | Schwanzmeise |
Subspecies: alpinus | X | ||
191. | Panurus biarmicus | Bearded Reedling | Bartmeise | |
192. |
Sitta krueperi | Krüper's Nuthatch | Türkenkleiber | X |
193. |
Sitta neumayer | Western Rock Nuthatch | Felsenkleiber | X |
194. |
Sitta tephronota | Eastern Rock Nuthatch | Klippenkleiber | X |
195. |
Tichodroma muraria | Wallcreeper | Mauerläufer | X |
196. |
Lanius minor | Lesser Grey Shrike | Schwarzstirnwürger | X |
197. |
Lanius collurio | Red-backed Shirke | Neuntöter | |
198. |
Lanius senator | Woodchat Shrike | Rotkopfwürger | X |
199. |
Lanius nubicus | Masked Shrike | Maskenwürger | X |
200. |
Pyconotus xanthopygos | White-spectacled Bulbul | Gelbsteißbülbül |
201. |
Turdoides altirostris | Iraq Babbler | Rieddrossling | X |
202. |
Pica pica | Eurasian Magpie | Elster | |
203. |
Garrulus glandarius | Eurasian Jay | Eichelhäher |
Subspecies: atricapillus | X | |||
204. |
Corvus monedula | Western Jackdaw | Dohle | |
Subspecies: soemmerringii | X | |||
205. |
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax | Red-billed Cough | Alpenkrähe |
X |
206. |
Pyrrhocorax garulus | Alpine Chough | Alpendohle | |
207. |
Corvus frugilegus | Rook | Saatkrähe | |
208. |
Corvus cornix | Hooded Crow | Nebelkrähe | |
209. |
Corvus corax | Northern Raven | Kolkrabe | |
210. |
Sturnus vulgaris | Common Starling | Star | |
211. |
Oriolus oriolus | Eurasian Golden Oriole | Pirol | |
212. |
Passer domesticus | House Sparrow | Haussperling | |
213. | Passer hispaniolensis | Spanish Sparrow | Weidensperling | X |
214. |
Passer montanus | Tree Sparrow | Feldsperling | |
215. |
Passer moabiticus | Dead Sea Sparrow | Moabsperling | X |
216. |
Petronia petronia | Common Rock Sparrow | Steinsperling | X |
217. |
Carpospiza brachydactyla | Pale Rock Sparrow | Fahlsperling | X |
218. |
Gymnoris xanthocollis | Yellow-throated Sparrow | Gelbkehlsperling | X |
219. |
Montifringilla nivalis | White-winged Snowfinch | Schneesperling | |
220. |
Fringilla coelebs | Common Chaffinch | Buchfink | |
221. |
Carduelis cannabina | Common Linnet | Bluthänfling | |
Subspecies: bella | X | ||
222. |
Carduelis carduelis | European Goldfinch | Stieglitz | |
223. |
Carduleis chloris | European Greenfinch | Grünfink | |
224. |
Carduelis spinus | Eurasian Siskin | Erlenzeisig | |
225. |
Serinus serinus | European Serin | Girlitz | |
226. |
Serinus pusillus | Red-fronted Serin | Rotstirngirlitz | X |
227. | Bucanetes mongolicus | Mongolian Finch | Mongolengimpel | X |
228. |
Rhodopechys sanguineus | Crimson-winged Finch | Rotflügelgimpel | X |
229. |
Rhodospiza obsoleta | Desert Finch | Weißflügelgimpel | X |
230. |
Emberiza schoeniclus | Common Reed Bunting | Rohrammer | |
Subspecies: reiseri, caspia | X | |||
231. |
Emberiza hortulana | Ortolan Bunting | Ortolan | X |
232. | Emberiza caesia | Cretzschmar's Bunting | Grauortolan | X |
233. |
Emberiza buchanani | Grey-necked Bunting | Steinortolan | X |
234. |
Emberiza cineracea | Cinereous Bunting | Türkenammer | X |
Subspecies: cineracea | X | |||
Subspecies: semenowi | X | |||
235. |
Emberiza melanocphala | Black-headed Bunting | Kappenammer | X |
236. |
Emberiza calandra | Corn Bunting | Grauammer | |
237. |
Emberiza cia | Rock Bunting | Zippammer |
In total: 237
With ssp.: 257
New for me: 100
With ssp.: 157
- 2
Now: I am looking forward for the next adventure!
July: Artic Project in Greenland